mp breaking wordpress theme is best choice for news media blogging where you can showcase your post into deferent style and formate the mp breaking wordpress theme is 100% responsive in all devices and 100% seo friendly theme also you can get 90+ pagespeed score with this Theme
features of mp breaking theme
- Scrollable mobile mene below the header which shows all available category on website with homepage link in first
- 8+ styles to display post in different layouts
- we have used Generateblocks pro in Generatepress premium Theme to make this design
- A mobile menu which helps to navigate your site easily in mobile devices
- a custom footer with social links menu and about us block
- All pages like post category home sidebar made with custom element separately
- custom author box
- auto releted post
- inline releted post using pur 27kb lightweight plugin
- red design you can chnge the main colour from red to any colour all elements colour will change once main is changed
Required plugins
- Generateblocks
- Generateblocks premium
- gp premium
- Generatepress theme (free)
- related post plugin
pagespeed result

Plugin required
- Generateblocks premium
- Gp Premium
- Generateblocks free
- Rankmath for showing breadcrumbs
- Ad Inserter for showing releted post after desired paragraph
setup video for all gp themes
any other questions just use whatsapp chat support button ✅
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